International Students in Hunan Province Experience the Magic of TCM 每日短讯
Mr. GAIFIEV EDUARD from Russia is experiencing "bone setting". (Photo by XIAO YI)
Mr.SAGARA SEYDOU from Mali is greeting to the practitioner while experiencing acupuncture. (Photo by XIAO YI)
Recently, the international students of Hunan Normal University had the opportunity to engage with local practitioners to explore the real magic and cultural spirits of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
To better understand how treatments and services can be rendered, the student group, coming from Russia, Yemen, Mali, and the Republic of Congo experienced acupuncture, moxibustion, bone setting, cupping, and etc for themselves.
When it comes to TCM, there has been a lot of hype about its miraculous curing powers, to the extent of being supernatural; there are many myths and misunderstandings that undermine TCM"s credibility.
In fact, Chinese medicine is a very approachable and gentle form of treatment. GAIFIEV EDUARD, one of the international students from Russia, has said that he felt quite surprised and excited after the TCM treatment. His special role as an athlete made him find particularly relieved when finishing the acupuncture and massage.
So far, TCM has spread to 183 countries and regions with more than 40 signing TCM-related agreements with China, and registered as medical products in countries including Russia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.
The practioners tend to have gentle hands. (Photo by XIAO YI)
Moxibustion is one of the most relaxing treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
The acupuncture treatment. (Photo by XIAO YI)
To better explore the real magic of TCM, the students get to experience all types of treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
To bette rexplore the real magic of TCM, the students get to experience all types of treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
To better explore the real magic of TCM, the students get to experience all types of treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
To better explore the real magic of TCM, the students get to experience all types of treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
To better explore the real magic of TCM, the students get to experience all types of treatments. (Photo by XIAO YI)
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